I’m not sure I stayed sane, but I did survive a 4 month lockdown with 3 kids and lived to tell the tale. Here’s what worked for us.


First, I realized that I needed to use the time to get healthy myself. The latest wisdom in Corona Virus research was that zinc and vitamin D coupled with a healthy body weight was the winning combo that would level the battlefield. So, I shed some weight, and started the regime of liquid drops of D and Zinc. Green smoothies, salads and celery juice were my recipe for health!


Second, I knew the children would get brain rot if I didn’t get them on something enriching. Reflex math and map video games did the trick. So, they were honing skills while they thought they were gaming! Win win, right? 


Third, no friends allowed? No problem. My kids became really good at FaceTime. Cousins, grandparents and friends all got regular calls to keep those relationships fresh.  


Fourth, room time. I quickly realized that we all needed a little break from each other every day. To keep the walls from closing in, we all went to our own space daily. Sleep, play, read, it didn’t matter as long as it was quiet time.   


Lastly, no in-person church services meant we had to get creative with our worship. My daughter did bible study online, while the younger boys did workbooks. We discussed our family values and explored what other religions believed. We all read our bibles and we watched biblical documentaries as a family and grew together. 


Wishing good health to all and God bless!

-Christy Bourtin