Gillespie County COVID-19 Report


Confirmed Cases


Estimated Recoveries




Probable Cases


Total Current Positive Cases at FISD


Cumulative Tests


Cases Admitted to HCM


Cases Hospitalized at HCM


Beds Available at HCM

LAST UPDATED: 3/9/2022 9:00am

Source: Gillespie County, Texas

Texas COVID-19 Cases by County

Data provided by The Texas Department of State Health Services. There may be differences between map data and dashboard data due to short lags in data reporting.

Gillespie County Covid-19 Demographics

Data provided by Johns Hopkins University. There may be differences between map data and dashboard data due to short lags in data reporting.

Gillespie County COVID-19 Cases

Compared to The State of Texas


FREE Testing Event

Administered by State Health Department


*Next Event TBD*

With Physician Order

Hill Country Memorial Hospital
Operational Hours:  Mon-Fri 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm; 
Drive-though testing by appointment only
1020 S State Hwy 16, Fredericksburg, TX 78624.  
For more information, please call 830.997.4353  

Walk-in Testing

NextCare Urgent Care
COVID-19 Testing and Antibody Testing
Operational Hours:  Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm
Appointment not required, referral not required
1701 US-281, Marble Falls, TX 78654
For more information, please call 830.798.1122

How to Slow the Spread of COVID-19

Wash your hands






The Delta Variant… What Can We Do?

The school year has begun, and every school in Gillespie County has opened in-person! It seems that our state has finally begun the long trek back to normalcy. However, rumors have been circulating of a new strain of COVID-19 called the Delta variant. What is this new strain, and should we be worried?

How to Get the Vaccine

There has been much talk in Fredericksburg about the new vaccine that is now available in Fredericksburg. But it is in popular demand and is very hard to get. Where can you get it?

How Being a Student has Changed During the Pandemic

Workplaces are open, stores and restaurants are open, and schools are open. There has been much controversy about the opening of schools, but most people agree that they need to begin to open. And they have. In Fredericksburg, all the schools are open for teaching and students have the option of learning in-person.

COVID in Gillespie County: a Statement from Rep. Kyle Biedermann

I believe in personal responsibility, especially when it comes to one’s health. We can control so many factors that attribute to us staying healthy or getting sick. Things like washing your hands, limiting exposure to those who are sick, eating the right food to help boost your immune system, they all can prevent sickness or help with a quick recovery.

Staying Healthy at Heritage School

Plans are in full swing as Heritage School opened its doors on August 19 for our traditional, stimulating in-person classroom experience.
With in-put from teachers, parents, board members, and doctors, we developed the Heritage Health & Safety Plan for COVID-19 protocols.

Three Easy Ways to Stay Healthy at Home

Staying healthy and active can be hard… the world being on complete lockdown doesn’t make it any easier! I have always been pretty active and healthy- but during quarantine I found myself spending wayyy too much time on the couch. I eventually got tired of it, and decided to to get myself healthy again. Usually, I would go to the gym and to the track at FHS, but I was stuck at home. So I had to get a little bit more creative. Even though most places are opening back up, if you are continuing to choose to stay home or you or a loved one are in a higher-risk category, here are top 3 ways I found to get active and stay healthy at home…

5 Ways to Stay Sane in Quarantine with Kids

I’m not sure I stayed sane, but I did survive a 4 month lockdown with 3 kids and lived to tell the tale. Here’s what worked for us. First, I realized that I needed to use the time to get healthy myself. The latest wisdom in…