Workplaces are open, stores and restaurants are open, and schools are open. There has been much controversy about the opening of schools, but most people agree that they need to begin to open. And they have. In Fredericksburg, all the schools are open for teaching and students have the option of learning in-person. Some schools have had to close for a short time, but none for the year. Being a student in this weird world is different. I go to Heritage, and here is what it is like to be a high school student in a pandemic. 

Learning and the methods of teaching have not changed much at my school. We learn the same things in the same format, and there hasn’t been an increase of assignments online. The changes have come in the form of seating assignments and masks. In each of our classrooms we are seated 6 feet apart for social distancing, which did not take too much getting used to. What did take getting used to was having to wear masks. It is a little harder to focus when there is a piece of material covering half of your face. It is for the greater good, though, because masks help slow the spread of the virus. Other than these two things, school goes on as normal. 

Sporting events have changed a little bit, and some events have been cancelled due to COVID, but overall most events are operated in the same way as they were pre-COVID. Since most games and events are outside (like football), masks are not typically required. 

So, being a student hasn’t changed too much. Being in high school is still as fun as ever. The classic “high school experience” has not changed, despite the changing world around us. I hope that students at other schools can agree with me! Stay safe and God bless!