I believe in personal responsibility, especially when it comes to one’s health. We can control so many factors that attribute to us staying healthy or getting sick. Things like washing your hands, limiting exposure to those who are sick, eating the right food to help boost your immune system, they all can prevent sickness or help with a quick recovery. There has also been great success with treatments like hydroxychloroquine and nebulizers when used early when symptoms begin.

At Biedermann’s Ace Hardware we have been deemed essential, so my employees have been on the “front lines” since COVID began. We took safety precautions early with the help of Ace Corporation guidelines and have been blessed with health and strong sales. I wish I could say that for the many businesses that were deemed non-essential.

The government may have had good intentions when it comes to regulations and mandates, but so often those mandates have unintended consequences that can be detrimental. The government also should not have come between you and your doctor when it came to early treatment options that are proving to be very effective. We are finally hearing from many medical experts that we have missed the opportunity to save thousands of lives.

I believe our Governor went too far restricting and closing businesses as well as making excessive mandates and executive orders without legislative oversight. So many local businesses in Gillespie County have been shut down and their livelihood has been deemed non-essential or not safe without common sense debate. That is wrong. At the end of the day, individuals should be in charge of their own life and health.

I have found during this time that my faith has served as reassurance and I know that God is in control and by trusting in His promises we can experience hope and peace through this difficult time. Fear not, for He has promised to provide and protect us.

I want to thank you for your desire to help our community with this project. My prayer is that it will bring healing and hope and not fear and dissention.

Rep. Kyle Biedermann                                                                       District 73