This blog is intended to be a place for us to share ideas, information, and resources for our community during this pandemic.

Topics vary from DIY home projects, home fitness ideas, local testing opportunities, updates from local restaurants, responses from local government, schools and law enforcement, and more.

If you have an idea for a blog post, please fill out the form below! We would love your involvement.

Three Easy Ways to Stay Healthy at Home

Staying healthy and active can be hard… the world being on complete lockdown doesn’t make it any easier! I have always been pretty active and healthy- but during quarantine I found myself spending wayyy too much time on the couch. I eventually got tired of it, and decided to to get myself healthy again. Usually, I would go to the gym and to the track at FHS, but I was stuck at home. So I had to get a little bit more creative. Even though most places are opening back up, if you are continuing to choose to stay home or you or a loved one are in a higher-risk category, here are top 3 ways I found to get active and stay healthy at home…

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